€83,500 as well as non-financial support awarded to winners
Two social initiatives have been awarded funding and non-financial support after winning the Malta Social Impact Awards (MSIA) 2019 on November 9.
FAIE, (Fair Artificial Intelligence Educator System) an initiative by Professor Alexiei Dingli, won €50,000, while The Wellness Pod, by the Karl Vella Foundation, won €20,000. Both initiatives were also awarded pro bono mentoring and advisory services with some of Malta’s leading businesses.
One hundred per cent of MSIA 2019 ticket sales, amounting to €13,500, also went towards the Wellness Pod, which was voted for by the audience through the Audience Award.
Launched by the Gasan Foundation and Inspirasia Foundation 2016, The Malta Social Impact Awards is an initiative that aims to create opportunities for change makers, whilst inspiring others to give and to give well.By bringing business and philanthropy together, MSIA supports local initiatives that have a positive social impact on Malta and helps social purpose organisations grow into stronger entities.
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